Get Ready For A Transformative Experience!

Peek behind the curtain as we demystify the strategies, secrets, and success stories that the winners in the cleaning industry guard closely!

Simplify, Strategize & Succeed Your Business Budget!

Take Charge of Your Financial Future

This comprehensive course is designed to equip you with the fundamental skills and knowledge needed to manage your money wisely.

Discover The 3 Secrets That Transformed My Cleaning Business Journey...

  • Financial Confidence

    Discover the Secret to Financial Confidence - Learn how to master your finances with newfound confidence, empowering you to make informed, savvy decisions that transform your financial landscape.

  • Stress Reduction

    Unveil the Stress-Reduction Blueprint - Say goodbye to sleepless nights and hello to peace of mind as you unlock the secret to effectively planning and managing your finances, eliminating stress and uncertainty.

  • Goal Achievement

    Learn the covert strategy to setting and achieving your financial goals. This workshop will provide you with a clear, detailed roadmap, turning your financial aspirations into achievable realities.

Start Transforming Your Finances

Simplify, Strategize, and Succeed Your Business Budget!

Your Instructor

Eric Emms

CBF Coach

Eric is the CEO of Rise and Shine Cleaning Service located in Portland, Oregon, which he co-founded with his wife, Debbie. He is a father to six wonderful kids ranging in age from 24 to 16. He earned a bachelor’s degree in business management and economics from Portland State University. Prior to launching Rise and Shine in 2014 his background was in leading sales teams. After four years of trial and error in the cleaning industry Eric and Debbie found Cleaning Business Fundamentals and implemented the program immediately. Now with the foundation of the CBF principles in place, Rise and Shine has grown to over $1 million in revenue and is run by a team of remote admins. Eric is excited to share with you how CBF transformed Rise and Shine from chaos to a profitable, smooth running, remote operation that can be managed from anywhere in the world!